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Consequences that may occur after a personal data leak

Consequences that may occur after a personal data leak

Source: 生活中的程式 - Posts | Facebook

Consequences that may occur after a personal data leak

  1. Last month at work, I encountered a colleague who started pursuing me aggressively. Today after work, I came home and found that the colleague was waiting for me outside my front door. I was at a loss for what to do and now have to move or live in fear.
  2. Yesterday, I shopped online and a few days later received a phone call. The other party accurately stated my name, ID number, and registered address. And said that there was an error with the online shopping account, and asked me to go to the ATM to help resolve the account.
  3. I had an argument with someone online, and the other party threatened to reveal all my information. A few days later, I found a package in my mailbox, which contained two peanuts.
  4. I found a letter from the court in my mailbox, the name, registered address, and ID number on it were all correct, and it required me to cooperate with the investigation.
  5. I keep getting telemarketing calls at random times while I’m working or in meetings, it’s very frustrating. Even though I’m very careful, the other party knows even the phone numbers that I rarely use.
  6. I had a dispute with someone outside and they threaten to sue me for a large sum of money. If I don’t comply, they will make a scene outside my company building and call the main office to demand payment. I have no idea how the other party knew where I worked.

All of the above are things that can be done with your personal information, the skills that you learned to protect yourself are all useless, because the personal information of the entire country’s population is exposed, and anyone can easily obtain it as long as they have money.

The Cyble researcher’s comment on this is:

「This is not usual when Cyble’s researchers come across a leak which essentially captures an entire country government data.」

What’s more serious is that the exact way in which the data was leaked is still unknown. The latest data is from 2018-2019, and it’s unclear whether the data leak is ongoing or not.

Consequences that may occur after a personal data leak


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