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信任即服务 (TaaS):Twitter 的愿景 Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

信任即服务 (TaaS):Twitter 的愿景 Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

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When analyzing the market space inhabited by both traditional and new-age media companies one of the necessary prerequisites for customer buy-in is Trust. Without trust, people can not consume a media source especially when that media source purports to be a purveyor of news and information.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

根据盖洛普的说法,美国人对大众媒体机构的信任度已经下降。 所有政治人口的信任度都在下降,民主党是唯一的例外; 这是一个颠复的成熟行业。 输入 Twitter马斯克(Elon Musk)

According to Gallup, American trust in mass media institutions has tanked. Trust is down across all political demographics with the Democrats being the sole exception; this is an industry ripe for disruption. Enter Twitter and Elon Musk.

Twitter 的核心是为其用户群提供信任即服务 (TaaS)Twitter 正试图向其受众推销这样一种想法,即我们可以委託它在其平台上主持重要对话,**而无需採取不道德的节制策略来审查被视为“不适当”的讯息。**此外,Twitter 正试图证明它可以在多大程度上採取行动 作为“信任经纪人”,因为在 Twitter 上发生的对话可以建立或破坏人们、机构和其他实体的信任。

Twitter, at its core, is offering Trust as a Service (TaaS) to its user base. Twitter is trying to sell its audience on the idea that we can entrust it to host important conversations on its platform without engaging in unethical moderation tactics to censor information deemed ‘inappropriate.’ In addition, Twitter is attempting to prove to what extent it can act as a “trust broker” since conversations that happen on Twitter can make or break trust in people, institutions, and other entities.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

从历史上看,我们拥有现在的“传统媒体”,它通过告诉我们可以信任和不可以信任的人来促成信任。 正如 Malcolm X 指出的那样,集中的信託经纪寡头让一小群人能够控制叙事,以至于可以塑造有罪和无罪的观念。 现在我们已经到了一个地步,正如盖洛普早些时候所表明的那样,Legacy Media 未能适应互联网带来的日益提高的透明度以及带有偏见的报导,从而毁掉了自己的声誉

Historically, we had what is now a ‘Legacy Media’ that brokered trust by telling us who we could and could not trust. As Malcolm X noted, centralized trust brokerage oligarchies gave a small group of people the ability to control the narrative to such an extent that perceptions of guilt and innocence could be shaped. Now we have reached a point, as shown earlier by Gallup, where Legacy Media has destroyed its own reputation by failing to adapt to the increasing levels of transparency that came with the Internet and through biased reporting.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

Twitter 已成为即时新闻更新的场所。 当您可以从直接来源听到并看到“群众的智慧”在传播讯息中发挥作用时,就没有竞争了。 如上图所示,传统媒体格式中的任何内容都会被延迟、审查较少并且充满偏见当观众看到一个让普通人直接与讯息和知名人物互动的免费平台时,破旧的媒体环境如何希望竞争? 这真的无法竞争

Twitter has become the place for real-time news updates. There’s no competition when you can hear from direct sources and watch the “wisdom of the crowd” play out in disseminating information. Anything in a traditional media format is delayed, less scrutinized, and riddled with bias as indicated by the above chart. When audiences are presented with a free platform that lets regular people directly interact with information and prominent figures, how can a decrepit media landscape hope to compete? It can not.

年復一年,这些媒体更像是资金过多的 Twitter 策划工具(在最坏的情况下是宣传媒体),而不是新闻和讯息的实际传播者。 更不用说在 Twitter 上发布新闻与其他人报导新闻之间存在的时差,如下图所示。

With each passing year, such outlets act more as overfunded Twitter curation tools (and as propaganda outlets in the worst of cases) than actual disseminators of news and information. Not to mention the lag that exists between the time that news breaks on Twitter and when the news is reported by everyone else which the below cartoon illustrates.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

年復一年,《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》等传统媒体越来越依赖社交媒体来製作内容。 当像 Twitter 这样的网点存在时,人们可以从直接来源获取新闻并通过人群的智慧对讯息进行分析,Legacy Media 竞争的可行方式就会逐渐减少。 所有这一切都引出了一个问题,即 Twitter 正在做些什麽来将自己作为 TaaS 进行营销,从而赢得用户群的信任。

With each year that passes, Legacy Media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post become increasingly dependent on social media to produce their content. When outlets like Twitter exist where people can get news from direct sources and analysis of information occurs through the Wisdom of the Crowd, there are gradually fewer and fewer viable ways for Legacy Media to compete. All of this begs the question as to what Twitter is doing to market itself as a TaaS so it can earn the trust of its user base.

New Twitter 继承的一大包袱是一种技术产品,它仍然使用任意标准来进行惩罚。 正如所记录的那样,Twitter 上的审核过程仍然存在缺陷。 可以作为潜在解决方案的一些建议是:

  • 修復部分帐号无法申诉的bug
  • 取消永久封锁(或要求人工审核以发布永久封锁)
  • 减轻大规模报告活动的保障措施

A large burden inherited by New Twitter is a technical product that still dishes out punishments using arbitrary criteria. As documented, there continue to be flaws in the moderation process on Twitter. Some suggestions that could act as potential solutions are:

  • Fix the bug where some accounts are unable to appeal
  • Remove permanent suspensions (or require human review to issue a permanent ban)
  • Safeguards to mitigate mass reporting campaigns

虽然赋予新註册用户权力很重要,但认识到帐号建立可能被滥用的恶意方式也很重要——即被机器人和那些专门建立替代帐号以报告意识形态竞争对手的人滥用。 除了限制新建立的帐号报告用户的能力(甚至可能将此能力锁定给 Twitter Blue 订阅者)之外,该部门的一个潜在解决方案可能是做一些类似于 Reddit Karma 系统的事情,用户需要满足某些 Karma 门槛才能 使用某些 Twitter 功能,其中包括报告工具。

While it’s important to empower newly registered users, it is also important to recognize the malicious ways account creation can be abused - namely by bots and those creating alt accounts specifically to report ideological rivals. Along with restricting the ability of freshly made accounts to report users (perhaps even locking this ability to Twitter Blue subscribers), a potential solution in this department could be to do something akin to the Reddit Karma system where users need to meet certain Karma thresholds to use certain Twitter features which would include reporting tools.

已经採取了一些措施来纠正之前 Twitter 所有权下的失误。 #FreedomFridays 是一个有趣的传统,一些被不公平地禁止的帐号会被恢復。 通过马斯克 (Elon Musk) 进行的民意调查,Twitter 用户可以在某种程度上影响公司政策。 这与其他公司的运作方式形成鲜明对比,也不同于之前的所有权实施政治驱动的政策,如“性别歧视”禁令,同时在其平台上採取相对较少的措施打击儿童内容。

Some steps are already being taken to correct missteps taken under previous Twitter ownership. #FreedomFridays have been a fun tradition where some accounts that were unfairly banned get reinstated. Via polls conducted by Elon Musk, Twitter users can, to some extent, influence company policy. This is in stark contrast to how other companies operate and different from prior ownership implementing politically driven policies like the ‘misgendering’ ban while doing relatively little to combat child content on its platform.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最重要的决定之一是发布 “推特”文件,该文件揭示了一家大型科技社交媒体公司和政府勾结幕后发生的事情。 通过这样做,他为科技公司的透明度设定了新标准。

One of the most important decisions from Elon Musk was to release the Twitter Files that revealed what went on behind the scenes of a major tech social media company and government collusion. By doing so, he set new standards for what transparency should look like from tech companies.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

洩露的消息表明,类似的事件也发生在其他公司,如 Facebook微软VerizonRedditPinterest 等。 推特文件显示,在其之前的所有权下,推特作为机构的一个部门运作。

Leaked messages indicate similar events were occurring at other companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, Pinterest, and others. The Twitter Files revealed that under its previous ownership, Twitter operated as an arm of the institutions.

要想作为 TaaS 取得成功,New Twitter 必须发挥反抗力量的作用,抵制传统媒体扼杀其平台对话的压力,并通过赋予公民新闻权力以取代旧寡头在信任中介中的作用。

To succeed as a TaaS, New Twitter must act as a defiant force by resisting pressure from Legacy Media to stifle conversations on its platform and by empowering citizen journalism in order to displace the role of old oligarchies in trust brokering.

Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

股癌 Telegram

  • 媒体来说最重要的就是信任感
  • 美国人民(或全球人民)对媒体信任快速下滑
  • 传统媒体由于资金来源等原因,常常有立场
  • 社群媒体快速且有拼凑能力,需要的是一个好的平台
  • 好的平台就是要尽可能地降低 "决定者" 的裁决权限
  • TaaS 的观念,trust as a service

连一些以前是共识的 “真相” 近年也开始被挑战:胆固醇过高不要吃蛋、胶原蛋白是骗人的、深蹲膝盖不能超出脚尖等等。

先不讲媒体,就连查核机构这种高大上组织,也开始给人抓包选择性查核。所以追寻 “有公信力” 的单位,就跟什麽都要别人负责一样,巨婴。

对于做股票的来说,每天 memo 和消息传来传去,裡面一堆假的。不只市场派,连公司派都可以放话唬烂,假营收、假稼动率、假大单,被骗就是自己承担而已。有时一个谎言一开始是真的,最后状况改变才变假的;反之,被澄清的假消息最后成真的也不少。


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