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怎麼使用英文的 in、on、at 介系詞?in、on、at 範例大整理

怎麼使用英文的 in、on、at 介系詞?in、on、at 範例大整理

Photo by Ivan Shilov on Unsplash

at < on < in 概念

介系詞 範圍 說明 範例
At 確切的地方 坐在桌子前 sit at the table
On 在某個範圍內,但不確定哪個點 在街上 on the street
In 空間 在某個空間裡面 在車裡面 in a car

in、on、at 範例大整理

in、on、at 範例大整理

介系詞時間 at < on < in

At (特定時間點) On (特定日期) In (一段時間裡面)
At On In
at 9 am on Monday in the morning
at 8 o’clock on Saturday in the afternoon
at 6 pm on June 3rd in (the) summer
at night on 1st October 2013 in 1950
at noon/ midday on Christmas day in the 1900s
at Easter on my birthday in the 17th century
at Christmas on Tuesday evening in the Easter holiday
at dinner time on time in the next century
at dinner on a winter evening in the future
at that moment on a warm day in the 10 years time
On (時間等於 1 天) In (時間大於 1 天)
on Sunday in Summer
on July 3rd in July

介系詞地點 at < on < in

At (特定地點) On (地點的範圍上) In (地點裡面)
at 675 State Street on a bus in England
at the bus stop on a plane in Chinatown
at the door on a horse in a building
at the top of page on the phone in a car
at someone’s house on the Internet in a taxi
at the entrance on the television in a boat
at the crossroads on the floor in a helicopter
at the front on the page in a traffic jam
at the back on the menu in Time Square
at the bottom on Oxford street in the article

介系詞方向 on < in

On (地點的範圍外) In (地點裡面)
Canada is on the north of US New York is in the north of US

介系詞乘坐交通工具 on < in

On (交通工具內,可移動) In (交通工具內,不可移動)
on the bus in the car
on the train in the taxi


朝…過去:to/ for

介系詞 說明 範例
to 確切的目標 買給你 buy it to you
for 大方向,不一定會完成 幫你買 buy it for you

在…旁邊:with/ by

介系詞 說明 範例
with 伴隨在旁邊 我有那個禮物(伴隨著)很高興 I am happy with the gift
by 靠著 我(靠著)搭火車到那裡 I went there by train


介系詞 說明 範例
of 屬於某個部分 這間房間的門 the door of the room


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