Featured image of post What is the Origin and Significance of the Ghost Festival? Important Notes for Worshiping Deities, Ancestors, Earth Spirits, and Good Brothers. Explanation of Offerings and Worship Process. Taboos for Ghost Festival Worship, Complete Taboos for Sacrificial Offerings, Fruit Taboos, Vegetable Taboos, Flower Taboos, Taboos for Worshiping Good Brothers, and Life Taboos. Can Ancestor Worship be Done Early During the Ghost Festival?

What is the Origin and Significance of the Ghost Festival? Important Notes for Worshiping Deities, Ancestors, Earth Spirits, and Good Brothers. Explanation of Offerings and Worship Process. Taboos for Ghost Festival Worship, Complete Taboos for Sacrificial Offerings, Fruit Taboos, Vegetable Taboos, Flower Taboos, Taboos for Worshiping Good Brothers, and Life Taboos. Can Ancestor Worship be Done Early During the Ghost Festival?

What is the origin and significance of the Ghost Festival? Important notes for worshiping deities, ancestors, earth spirits, and good brothers. Explanation of offerings and worship process. Taboos for Ghost Festival worship, complete taboos for sacrificial offerings, fruit taboos, vegetable taboos, flower taboos, taboos for worshiping good brothers, and life taboos. Can ancestor worship be done early during the Ghost Festival?

Photo by Julius Yls on Unsplash

Introduce the Ghost Festival

The origin and significance of the Ghost Festival come from the beliefs of Taoism and Buddhism, and have developed uniquely within Taiwanese culture.

The Ghost Festival is not only a commemoration of the deceased but also a blessing for the living, reflecting respect for life and the continuation of traditional culture.

Origin of the Ghost Festival

Origin Description
Taoist Ghost Festival The Ghost Festival is a Taoist holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, believed to be the birthday of the Earth God. People worship the Earth God to seek forgiveness for sins and blessings for peace. Initially, the festival was mainly for honoring land deities, expressing gratitude for the earth’s blessings, and over time, it evolved to include ancestor worship.
Buddhist Ullambana Festival The Ullambana Festival originates from Buddhism and tells the story of “Mulian saving his mother.” Mulian’s mother fell into the realm of hungry ghosts due to her misdeeds in life. Mulian sought help from the Buddha, who instructed him to prepare offerings for monks on the 15th day of the seventh month to rescue her. This story emphasizes the values of filial piety and redemption.
Folk Beliefs In folk beliefs, the seventh month is regarded as Ghost Month, during which wandering souls return to the human realm. To appease these spirits, people perform rituals throughout the month to avoid disturbances.

Significance of the Ghost Festival

Significance Description
Deliverance of Souls Through rituals, the souls of the deceased are given peace, preventing them from wandering and causing unrest in the human world.
Filial Piety and Compassion The Ghost Festival emphasizes respect for ancestors and compassion for all souls, expressing remembrance and reverence for past relatives.
Social Harmony The worship activities are seen as a way to purify the community, with food offerings and rituals praying for social harmony and family peace.

Main Customs of the Ghost Festival

The Ghost Festival has the following main customs:

Activity Description
Worshiping the Earth God The 15th day of the 7th lunar month is the birthday of the Earth God. It is believed that on this day, the Earth God descends to judge the good and bad deeds of humans and grants forgiveness for sins. Offerings such as five sacrificial animals, fruits, and gold for the three realms should be prepared sincerely for worship from midnight (11 PM to 1 AM) until the morning.
Worshiping Ancestors Ancestor worship during the Ghost Festival is usually completed before lunch at noon, preparing three sacrificial animals, seasonal fruits, or daily meals according to family customs to express respect for ancestors.
Offering to Good Brothers From July 1 to July 30 of the lunar calendar each year, people worship the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country, souls who died in conflicts, and unclaimed wandering spirits, referred to as Good Brothers. This offering has the meaning of local purification, hoping to comfort and settle the wandering souls.
Worshiping the Earth Spirit The Earth Spirit is a deity that protects the peace of the home and is one of the objects of worship during the Ghost Festival.

Important Notes for Worshiping Deities, Ancestors, Earth Spirits, and Good Brothers

Worship should be performed sincerely, and different regions may have different customs; local practices can be referenced.

Worship Order Object Time Location Offerings Joss Paper Notes
1 Earth God July 14, midnight (11 PM to 1 AM) or July 15, noon (9 AM to 11 AM) Front of the house Noodles, 6 vegetarian dishes or 12 dishes, fruits Tai Chi gold, heavenly gold Incense should not be inserted into the offerings.
2 Ancestors Before noon on July 15, lunch can only be enjoyed after worshiping ancestors Main hall of the house Cooked dishes, three sacrificial animals, four fruits (preferably apples, pomelos, and oranges), tea, and wine Cut gold, large silver Incense should not be inserted into the offerings.
3 Earth Spirit Worship must be completed before 3 PM on July 15 Kitchen or back door A small amount of home-cooked meals, fruits, tea, or wine Cut gold, small silver Incense should not be inserted into the offerings.
4 Good Brothers Worship should be completed between 2 PM and 5 PM on July 15, before sunset Front of the house or other outdoor spaces Alcohol, dishes, cookies, three sacrificial animals, four fruits, and new toiletries Small silver Each offering should have one stick of incense. A new basin and towel should be placed on the offering table.

Explanation of Offerings

The three sacrificial animals and four fruits must be complete, not to be cut or missing parts.

Offerings Suggested Description
Food Noodles, cooked dishes (6, 10, or 12 bowls, any even number is acceptable), foods representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, such as: golden needles, mushrooms, red dates, shiitake mushrooms, longan, etc.
Three Sacrificial Animals Whole chicken, whole pig, whole fish (with tail)
Five Sacrificial Animals Whole chicken, whole duck, whole fish (with tail), whole pig, sausage
Vegetables Water spinach, chive flowers, green beans
Vegetarian Sacrificial Items Can be replaced with vegetarian chicken, vegetarian pork, and vegetarian fish
Fruits Preferably apples (for peace), pomelos (for offspring), oranges (for good fortune), peaches, with seedless round fruits being ideal. Mangoes, kiwis, and apples symbolize blessings for Good Brothers to achieve their goals soon.
Joss Paper Tai Chi gold, longevity gold, cut gold, fortune gold (land deity gold), heavenly gold (heavenly deity gold), large silver, small silver, and clothing paper.
Others Tea, wine, cookies, beverages, cakes, canned food, instant noodles, and four fruits.

Order of Worship Process

Earth God

Front of the house, incense should not be inserted into the offerings.

Order Description
1 The chief worshiper lights three sticks of incense, and others light one stick of incense.
2 Offer birthday wishes to the Earth God, pray for peace and smoothness, confess past mistakes, and request forgiveness from the Earth God. After the worship, place the incense into the incense burner.
3 After two-thirds of the incense has burned, take the joss paper from the table, bow three times, and then burn it.


Main hall of the house, incense should not be inserted into the offerings.

Order Description
1 Light three sticks of incense.
2 Greet the ancestors or Earth Spirit, pray for peace in the home and smooth affairs.
3 After two-thirds of the incense has burned, take the joss paper from the table, bow three times, and then burn it.

Earth Spirit

Kitchen or back door entrance, incense should not be inserted into the offerings.

Order Description
1 Light three sticks of incense.
2 Greet the ancestors or Earth Spirit, pray for peace in the home and smooth affairs.
3 After two-thirds of the incense has burned, take the joss paper from the table, bow three times, and then burn it.

Direction for Worshiping the Earth Spirit

House Layout Direction
Kitchen with back door Face the back door and worship outward.
Kitchen without back door Worship facing the sink area.

Good Brothers

Front of the house or other outdoor spaces, each offering must have one stick of incense inserted, and a new basin and towel should be placed on the offering table.

Order Description
1 Place a basin filled with water and a towel under the incense table, with the towel laid horizontally in the basin filled with approximately 1/3 or 1/2 of water, ensuring half of the towel is in the water; place a toothbrush, toothpaste, and rinsing cup nearby, inviting the Good Brothers to wash up before dining (all items must be brand new).
2 Each offering must have one stick of incense inserted to remind the Good Brothers that these offerings are for them.
3 The worshiper lights one stick of incense, greets the Good Brothers, invites them to enjoy the offerings, and prays for the family’s safety.
4 After the first stick of incense has burned two-thirds, light the second stick of incense.
5 After the second stick of incense has burned two-thirds, burn the joss paper on the table, invite the Good Brothers to receive the small silver, and respectfully ask them to leave, praying for safety in and out of the home.

Taboos for Ghost Festival Worship

Item Description
Burning Joss Paper Burn one sheet at a time. After burning, sprinkle the offered wine on the ground (around the joss paper) in a circle three times, but do not sprinkle it on the joss paper itself, or the Good Brothers will not be able to receive the small silver.
Sacrificial Items Must remain whole; do not cut off heads or tails, as this symbolizes “no descendants,” representing a severed lineage. Do not steal food.
Fruits The number of fruits must be odd, preferably round and seedless fruits.
Fresh Flowers Do not use artificial flowers; fresh flowers should be fully bloomed without buds.
Food Offerings It is not recommended to use steamed cakes, egg rolls, porridge, century eggs, duck eggs, pig liver, or frozen foods.
Items for Offering Towels and basins used after the offerings should not be brought back home to avoid attracting bad luck.
Children It is advisable to keep children away, as their spirits are more unstable and easily disturbed by ghosts. If children are playing nearby, they may attract the attention of Good Brothers.
Pregnant Women Pregnant women have weaker energy fields, so it is best to avoid worshiping the Good Brothers to prevent offending them. If a pregnant woman must participate, it is recommended to wear a red thread around the belly for protection.
Pets Pets should not be brought to the worship ceremony as it is a solemn occasion.
Women During Menstruation or Confinement It is not advisable to handle incense; simply clasp hands together in prayer.
Mourning in the Family It is not recommended to conduct worship.
Attitude Maintain a serious demeanor; do not joke around. Speaking carelessly is a major taboo. Additionally, referring to “ghosts” as “Good Brothers” shows respect and avoids making others feel uneasy.

Taboos for the Three Sacrificial Animals

Item Description
Whole Chicken In Hokkien, it sounds like “whole family”; cutting the chicken represents an incomplete family.
Whole Pig The pig must be whole with skin and meat; three-layered or pork belly can be used.
Whole Fish The fish should not have scales or entrails removed, representing a whole fish, which implies “surplus.” If not using a whole fish, it indicates that the worshiper is not fully sincere. Avoid using eel or snakehead fish.
Whole Duck The word for duck sounds like “pressure,” and in the past, priests would use duck blood to suppress evil spirits. Thus, it is generally avoided to worship ducks out of respect for the Good Brothers; usually, ducks are only used in large-scale temple offerings if preparing five sacrificial items.

Fruit Taboos

The number of fruits must be odd, and it’s best to use round, seedless fruits. Fruits that should be avoided include:

Fruit Taboo Reason
Pineapple Sounds like “旺來” in Minnan dialect, implying “旺鬼” (prosperous ghosts)
Banana, Plum, Pear, Date In Minnan dialect, “banana, pear, pineapple” sounds like “招你來” (come to you), implying inviting Good Brothers to come along
Longan, Grapes, Lychee Having fruits in “whole bunches” suggests “a whole series of deaths”
Rambutan Sounds like “流連” in Minnan dialect, implying Good Brothers staying and lingering
Starfruit, Wax Apple Hollow fruits
Guava, Papaya, Tomato, Seeded Fruits Seeds are hard to digest and may be expelled with feces, implying uncleanliness
Lemon -

Vegetable Taboos

Vegetable Taboo Reason
Winter Melon -
Bitter Melon -

Flower Taboos

Flower Taboo Reason
Canna Implies driving away Good Brothers
Rose Has thorns, implying attracting romantic troubles

Taboos for Worshiping Good Brothers

Item Description
Prayer Do not mention your own name or address to avoid Good Brothers attaching to you. Simply invite Good Brothers to dine and receive small silver. Avoid calling them “ghosts”; use respectful terms like “Good Brothers or Good Sisters.” Do not set off firecrackers, as it may startle the Good Brothers.
Time Worship must be done at the right time, avoiding before 2 PM and after 7 PM. Clean up offerings as soon as possible after worship to prevent Good Brothers from lingering. Avoid noon and nighttime worship; do not worship indoors. Morning worship has too much yang energy, which is unfavorable for Good Brothers. At night, there is a fear of ghosts staying and disturbing the living world.
Joss Paper Burn just a little joss paper; burning too much may make wandering spirits think they will be “entertained every day” and not want to leave. The amount sold by shops is just right, so there’s no need to buy in bulk to show off, as it may backfire. Also, remember not to ask Good Brothers for anything during worship; just respectfully invite them to eat and leave. Do not step on or kick joss paper with your feet, as silver paper is burned as pocket money for Good Brothers, and stepping on it is disrespectful. Sometimes when burning silver paper, some joss paper may fly up; be sure not to use your feet to stomp and extinguish it, as it may cause foot pain or even bruising on the lower leg.
Offerings Offerings cannot be worshiped in whole boxes; they must be opened to avoid Good Brothers taking the whole box or fighting over it. Each offering for Good Brothers requires one stick of incense, an act called “filial piety to orphans,” meaning respecting Good Brothers. To prevent Good Brothers from not knowing which offerings are yours, incense or triangular flags are usually inserted into the offerings. If using triangular flags, it’s best to only write the surname, not the full name or address, to prevent Good Brothers from coming to your home. Do not worship food that has been eaten or opened, or steal from the offerings. If there is a whole box of cookies or instant noodles as an offering, the box should be opened, and incense should be inserted at one corner.
Location Worship must be conducted outdoors, not indoors, as you don’t want to invite Good Brothers into your home. The offering table must be placed outside the front door and facing outward for worship.

Life Taboos

Item Description
Do not hang clothes at midnight To avoid attracting the attention of Good Brothers and to prevent magnetic field interference.
Do not walk close to walls To avoid attracting the attention of Good Brothers and to prevent magnetic field interference.
Do not whistle on the street at night To avoid attracting the attention of Good Brothers and to prevent magnetic field interference.
Do not pat others on the shoulder or head To extinguish potential fire (a metaphor for avoiding trouble).
Do not call out others' names directly at night, and do not respond randomly If someone calls your name, do not turn around to avoid attracting the attention of Good Brothers and to prevent magnetic field interference.
Minimize nighttime outings and try to travel in groups to crowded places -
Wear fewer dark-colored clothes; choose bright and vibrant outfits -
Do not pick up coins from the ground -
Avoid going to the beach or the mountains -
Do not set off firecrackers To avoid startling Good Brothers.
Speak and act cautiously Do not show disrespect to deities and spirits. Avoid using the term “ghost”; refer to them as “Good Brothers” or “Good Sisters.”
Name English
中元節 Ghost Festival(鬼節) / Hungry Ghost Festival(餓鬼節) / Yulan Festival(孟蘭盆節)
中元普渡 Zhongyuan Pudu
鬼月 ghost month
祖先 ancestor
禁忌 taboo
搶孤 chiang gu
供品 offerings
燒紙錢 burn praying cash / paper money / joss paper / spirit money / ghost money
燒香 light incense
農曆 lunar calendar

Frequently Asked Questions

Can ancestor worship be done early during the Ghost Festival?

If you cannot worship on the Ghost Festival day (15th day of the 7th lunar month), you can consult with your ancestors and deities through divination and then set another time for worship. It is acceptable to do so either earlier or later; essentially, the entire lunar month of July can be used for offerings.

Is it necessary to place a basin and water during the worship?

Not necessarily; preparing washing supplies is merely a gesture of goodwill. Some families place a basin, towel, toothbrush, and water next to the offerings during worship to allow the Good Brothers to clean themselves before and after enjoying the offerings.

Remember, the washing supplies must be brand new! After the worship, the water in the basin should be poured outside, not inside the house.

Towels and washing supplies can be used normally after the worship.

Do I need to continue worshiping Good Brothers every year after the first offering?

It is recommended that once you have worshiped the Good Brothers, you should continue to do so every year. It is considered taboo to worship one year and skip the next.


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